A few people have recently reported that they’ve had issues receiving email sent through the form when the recipient address ($yourEmail) is a gmail account. If you’re having this issue, the quickest fix is now in the help & how-to.
This morning I spotted a minor bug in Jem’s Mail Form Premium which leaves the “From” info blank on Windows servers, or with a missing email address on *nix boxes. I’ve fixed the bug, and you can download the new version from your Purchase History page on the site.
To celebrate the new year (ok, so I’m a bit late) I’ve just realised the premium version of my PHP mail form. Like the free version, but better! More spam protection, more security, and a host of features on the way that you’ll automatically be entitled to when you buy Jem’s Mail Form Premium. Let […]
In response to popular demand, Jem’s Mail Form will soon be available in a “premium” version with support for HTML emails and file attachments. In addition to the new features, you’ll soon be able to register for access to my nifty mail form builder which will allow you to drag and drop fields to create […]
The how-to section has been tweaked to bring help and mail form customisation suggestions into their own pages, which will give me more flexibility to extend the tutorials available. If you have a specific question regarding how to change an aspect of my PHP mail form please get in touch via mail@jemsmailform.com and I’ll try […]
A new spam check has been added to the form which checks for 7 or more consonants in a row and, when found, increases the spam score by 1. This is not enough to fail an entry by itself but helps to prevent the “random letter” spam that is often quite difficult to pinpoint and […]
Version v2.4.2 of my php mail form has now been released. This fixes a validation error which was introduced in the last version as well as changes to the error_msg to remove duplication in the case of multiple missing required fields. This is a security update & it’s important you update to the latest version […]